miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014


Aquí us presento....Les FADETES ENGINYOSES!!!

Here I present to you......The WITTY LITTLE FAIRIES!!!

Som la Judit Pérez conta contes i escriptora de històries per a nens i no tant nens i la Gemma Font, il·lustradora infantil.

Us volem presentar el nostre projecte: “Les fadetes enginyoses” un conte per explicar i de moment per publicar, a on la Roseta, la Blaueta i la Mandarina volen per el país de les Fades, pintant amb colors d’alegria i d’il·lusió!! 

We are Judit Perez storyteller and writer of stories for children and not so children and Gemma Font,  children´s illustrator.

We want  present to you our project: "The Witty Little Fairies" a story to tell and currently to publish, where the Pinklette, the Bluette and the Mandarine flying to fairyland, painting with colors of joy and  illusion !!

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